Sunday, February 24, 2008

weekend movie marathon

i watched six movies in total this weekend alone!
so much for starting hitting the books for CV/RESPI finals which is in 3 weeks
*panic attacks*
oh well, all work n no play makes Dalilah a very dull girl eh?

first movie was

typical Tarzan storyline. very explicit on displaying how barbaric so called superior race genociding the Natives so they can claim the land their own *sick*

then moved on to

a VERY good movie
very light approach to a very heavy topic
highly recommended =)

last movie for the nite was

all the usual Jackie Chan amazing stunts n hilarities. i actually dozed off halfway thru this one
*it was already 4 or 5 in da morning*
but definitely the movie for a weekend laugh

the next day, only managed to watch this

nice light romantic comedy on my fav subject: FOOD!
and gourmet food at dat?
*definitely drooolsss*

today, another romantic comedy to restore my faith dat there is happy ending after all in this world

highly recommended to those who are thinking of taking the next BIG step in their relationship or are planning their BIG day just to give you a vague idea of wat's coming n killed off the stress of planning etc

last movie for the weekend was this number

those moves~ those rhythm~ those hot bodies~
*big big movigasm!*
oh well, i always envy those who can dance for i am rhythmless n keras macam kayu :p


Anonymous said...

--watch first few minutes... time derang nak buru boar tu.. geli2.. --

--mmg best!--

::rush hour 3::
--pon sgt best.. but, ive watched most of the trailers, so.. ive kinda memorize the jokes.. wuu.. silap2.. tak bleyh tgk trailer byk sgt pasni --

no reservation.. tak pnah tgk...
license to wed.. tak pnah tgk....
step up.. lupe pnah tgk ke tak.. tp mcm pnah.. waiting for step up 2.... (rrentot).. haha. susun2 huruf ..

CT DALILAH said...

pathfinder: geli?gay seyhhh~

juno: best giler smpai menjilat jari (sbb popcorn masin sangat)

rush hour 3: sape suh layan trailer byk sgt...haha

no reservation n license to wed:laki mmg x tgk citer camni, pempaun je layannnnn...

step up: amende (rrentot) tu?

Anonymous said...

torrent. huhu